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Non Invasive Allergy Testing Wexford

by Anna Skrine D.Th.D Dip A.E.T.

Specialising in Children's Allergy Testing

I work with all ages, and specialise in working with children in Wexford and beyond.

What you eat and drink has a profound effect on your health. A small change to your diet can make a huge difference to your health and energy. The body is infinitely wise and has its own innate healing power. It is programmed to heal you if at all possible – just look at how it goes to work , even when you get a simple cut or bruise!

As soon as foods that are causing symptoms of ill-health are taken out of the diet, the body will naturally respond. It often appears to start a Detox within about 3 days, and once this is over the symptoms usually disappear for good – as long as the condition is not too chronic. It is important to substitute other foods for any trigger foods that need to be cut out of the diet in order to maintain good nutrition.

This is prevention of ill-health at its most simple and yet most profound.

A recent research project I carried out with a retired nurse on 1 to 7 year olds included the following results:-

  • Serious bed-wetting (aged 5) gone within a few days;
  • Water retention, and weight issues, normalised within a few weeks;
  • Severe constipation, bloating, stomach pain, wind, gone within a few days or weeks;
  • Diarrhoea and low energy normalised within days;
  • Frequent nausea, headaches and random vomiting cleared up within a few weeks;
  • Severe mucus problems, including asthma, gone within weeks;
  • Skin conditions clearing up over a few weeks;
  • Behaviour problems and temper tantrums gone, sometimes within days;
  • Sleep issues, coughs and exhaustion all cleared up within a month or two;

You can download a PDF file PDF Download Research Findings of my findings here.

It is worth noting that children’s bodies often seem to respond and heal more quickly quickly than those of adults.

Many symptoms of ill-health can be eased by adjusting a person’s diet to suit their body.

These include:-

Asthma, Hay Fever, Ear, Nose or Throat problems, Skin Disorders, Constipation, Diarrhoea or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Arthritis, Tiredness, Depression, Heartburn, Digestive Ulcers, Weight issues, Cystitis, Thrush, Candida, Hyperactivity, M.E or Chronic Fatigue, Headaches, Migraines and Muscle Spasms

Testing Method

Testing Method

I use a bio-energy ‘Rayocomp’ machine developed in Germany, along with many little bottles with essences of foods, minerals and other substances.

The allergy test includes testing:-

  • Many foods
  • Mineral and vitamin balances
  • Chemical additives and colourings
  • Pollens, mould, dust mites, feathers
  • Bowel flora
  • Geopathic Stress
  • Electromagnetic Stress.

This method is completely non-invasive.

A pendulum is used for babies and very small children.

Cost: €65 per session (1 hour) or €50 for babies 3/4 hour)

It is recommended to have one follow-up session 4 weeks after the initial allergy test to answer any queries, and make sure that the healing process is under way.

Patient Testimonials

Letitia (age 5)

Letitia, age 5, had a severe skin condition that covered her whole body and face. She had had it for most of her life, and been on and off steroid creams for the past 3 or 4 years. She would go into intensive tantrums for an hour at a time, but was also extremely bright. She was a very fussy eater, and would only eat white foods – white pasta, white rice, white bread, yoghurt… Read more “Letitia (age 5)”

Letitia (age 5)

Jack (age 6)

Jack (age 6) came to see you recently. From that day we cut out the foods that did not agree with his body.  After 24 hours Jack’s energy levels raised hugely in mind and body.  He has adjusted to his new food life with great ease, and is now very aware of his own body and how it reacts and feels. Jack has reduced all his salt intake, and his fluid retention has gone in… Read more “Jack (age 6)”

Jack (age 6)

Rachael (40s)

You asked me to stop eating wheat, and to cut back on tomatoes and salt.  All helped, but wheat was the big one for me. As soon as I stopped eating bread, pasta, biscuits and cakes made from wheat the acid stopped. I have been surprised to find it hidden in so many things (soups etc.) that I have learned to ask in restaurants because I now realize that I get terrible indigestion as soon… Read more “Rachael (40s)”

Rachael (40s)

About Anna

About Anna

About Anna

I have been working with Complementary Medicine for over 35 years. The therapies I work with that profoundly change things for the better are Allergy Testing & Nutrition and Healing Through Visualization. One session only of Allergy Testing & Nutrition for conditions such asthma, sinus problems & Hay Fever, or digestive disorders such as IBS, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea, can usually point the way forward to the permanent clearing of that condition. Weight problems (not by traditional dieting or cutting down how much you eat, but only by adjusting what you eat), skin disorders such as eczema, arthritis, depression and energy problems are also frequently helped by simple adjustments to your diet. I also work a lot with babies and children.